The working life of a librarian with dreams of being a published author. I write mainly science fiction and fantasy with everything between those two extremes.
Thursday, October 24, 2013
Yes I'm still alive
Well It has been a bust two months since I last posted. Sorry for being so quiet of late. Good news is I love my job. Bad news is I have not written anything in a while. But I am working on an idea for a new story. I am going to outline it and try to start really writing it soon. I want to get back to my WIP "The Gloves" but I don't know when that will happen. I am going to try and make it soon. On a personal note I have finally started listening to podcasts. I know it is 2013 and I am just starting the podcast thing but I am always late to the party. One cast that I have found and just love it 'I should be writing'. It is just great with a working author as the host and she is so informed and fun to listen to. If you want something uplifting from a published and still working on author then check it out. Well this is just a short note to prove that I am still with the living; so have a great day/week!
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Word count
So this week I have added 400 words to my short WIP. Not a lot I know but since that I have not written anything other than book reviews and stuff for grad school I am pleased. In addition I had a interesting dream that I am going to plot out for future work. This coming up week I have Dragon*Con but I want to try and finish the story. Then I do not know what I am going to work on week. I will take some time off from the short story before I edit it or give it for someone else to read. I think that taking time off after you finish a story is good for both the story and you. Clears the mind for edits and stuff.
Tuesday, August 13, 2013
So I'm back!
Well I have finished grad school and I passed my last term with all A's.
So I am going to get back to writing more than just book reviews. By September I want to have a short story that I started writing about a year and a half ago. Then I am going to give it to my spouse to beta read it. Then I need to start rereading his first novel to help edit. Wish me luck everyone! I hope that my self control is greater than my desire to be lazy. Or better yet the reason that I was having trouble writing was because I was so stressed and busy with grad school that now I am free everything will just come together.
So I am going to get back to writing more than just book reviews. By September I want to have a short story that I started writing about a year and a half ago. Then I am going to give it to my spouse to beta read it. Then I need to start rereading his first novel to help edit. Wish me luck everyone! I hope that my self control is greater than my desire to be lazy. Or better yet the reason that I was having trouble writing was because I was so stressed and busy with grad school that now I am free everything will just come together.
Thursday, May 16, 2013
What I have been writing
So it has been awhile since I have posted here. Up-date I am writing but nothing that I am going to publish either here or anywhere. Writing is more than just a dream or job with me. It is a way that I handle things. I have had some really good things happen to me in life like only two more classes until I graduate with my master degree and soon I hope to getting a job in my field. My writings for the past few weeks have been personal and helping me handle all of emotions from the past few weeks. Normally writing is used to help process negative emotions but I have to get all my feelings out be they good or bad. It is part of the Lupus I have to express myself or the Lupus will react. The body handles all emotions in the same way so when I have bad things like the deaths of some of dearest friends I write about. When I have something overwhelming good happen I write it out. In dealing with the deaths of my friends I wrote a ten page poem and I have things that I want to do with it. With good thing that happened this past week I write a four pages essay about it. So writing is my answer to all of my feelings good and bad. So sorry for no fun new stories for the past few weeks. I hope to have time and the desire to write some of the plot lines that I have running through my head for about the past two months. I will let you know as I get started with that. Thanks for reading!
Sunday, May 5, 2013
It was what they had always dreamed of
It was what they had always dreamed of. Clove and Nix
clasped their hands together as the sun set in front of me. The wind lifted
sand from under their feet as the waves beat nearby.
“Do you think like here?” asked Nix in his deep voice.
Clove nodded still watching the sun slowly move into the sea. Nix smiled as he pulled her closer to him and kissed her forehead. No other sounds but the wind and water.
“It’s been so long since we had time together.” Clove said her voice softer than normal to not break the hush around them.
“Yes far too long.” Nix agreed.
The war was still raging out there in the universe but for now they were not part of it. Nix pulled Clove back to their open air tent. The white of the cloth was blazingly bright in the sunset going from white to orange. Inside there are was everything that they would need for a nice break from running from the Empire. Didn’t matter that the Emperor was dead everyone still wanted the plans in Clove’s head. Nix’s ship was close by and they had their net connections on but unless an empire vessel got too close then they would have no interruptions. Dinner waiting for them as they entered the tent. A fine spread of their favorite foods from Brie and chocolate to thinly chopped Alfal nuts from Nix’s home world. (They are like almonds with a bit of a bite at the end.) Nix took Clove’s hand to help her as she sat down. The cool breeze and low humidity helped with her constant pain. That and being with Nix, not in a dangerous life threatening way. Just her and him; on a beach. Nix’s finely scaled hand pulled at her skin slightly but nothing she was not used to.
“What are you thinking about?” he asked.
“Just that I’m so glad that we’re here, alone and alone.” Clove reply smiling at him.
Nix smiled back and pulled her closer to him.
“Me too.”
“Do you think like here?” asked Nix in his deep voice.
Clove nodded still watching the sun slowly move into the sea. Nix smiled as he pulled her closer to him and kissed her forehead. No other sounds but the wind and water.
“It’s been so long since we had time together.” Clove said her voice softer than normal to not break the hush around them.
“Yes far too long.” Nix agreed.
The war was still raging out there in the universe but for now they were not part of it. Nix pulled Clove back to their open air tent. The white of the cloth was blazingly bright in the sunset going from white to orange. Inside there are was everything that they would need for a nice break from running from the Empire. Didn’t matter that the Emperor was dead everyone still wanted the plans in Clove’s head. Nix’s ship was close by and they had their net connections on but unless an empire vessel got too close then they would have no interruptions. Dinner waiting for them as they entered the tent. A fine spread of their favorite foods from Brie and chocolate to thinly chopped Alfal nuts from Nix’s home world. (They are like almonds with a bit of a bite at the end.) Nix took Clove’s hand to help her as she sat down. The cool breeze and low humidity helped with her constant pain. That and being with Nix, not in a dangerous life threatening way. Just her and him; on a beach. Nix’s finely scaled hand pulled at her skin slightly but nothing she was not used to.
“What are you thinking about?” he asked.
“Just that I’m so glad that we’re here, alone and alone.” Clove reply smiling at him.
Nix smiled back and pulled her closer to him.
“Me too.”
Thursday, April 25, 2013
The Will Reading
The heirs, sat, waiting for the announcement. He prepared himself for a riot when he read the will. The eldest son was there but he was glaring at everyone but his friend. Cal was more likely to bite heads off than smile; so far his pretty friend (Olive that was her name strange human name) had managed to keep from him from doing that. Cal was the only child of the chieftain to not only leave the area but the planet itself. He had made a name for himself as an import/export specialist and was now the wealthiest of the children. In addition to his fully functional third eye. Thank the spirits that Cal had it behind a bandanna so his siblings would 'feel' safer. The lawyer knew that the bandanna did nothing to stop Cal from reading minds or deciding to hurl that seven foot wooden javelin through one or all of their heads. The lawyer swallowed trying to get up the courage to read this damned will.
"Well, get on with it. Some of us have other places to be." Cal said glared at everyone but Olive.
She made a hissing sound at him and he frowned at her. For about half a second before just frowning at everyone but her.
"Yes my brother is right. Father's dead, burned, and now it is time to see who has the most power now." Talkt the first legal son but second to Cal spoke up.
"Y..yes of course." The lawyer stuttered out picking up the thin paper. He broke the seal on it and rolled it open. Of course there was the usual things, like money for the chief's concubines, with some extra for Cal's mother as the mother of the first son. Then came the big things. The things that were going to get some people killed and as the sweat rolled down the back his neck the lawyer said:
"And to my son Cal I leave the deed to...
"Well, get on with it. Some of us have other places to be." Cal said glared at everyone but Olive.
She made a hissing sound at him and he frowned at her. For about half a second before just frowning at everyone but her.
"Yes my brother is right. Father's dead, burned, and now it is time to see who has the most power now." Talkt the first legal son but second to Cal spoke up.
"Y..yes of course." The lawyer stuttered out picking up the thin paper. He broke the seal on it and rolled it open. Of course there was the usual things, like money for the chief's concubines, with some extra for Cal's mother as the mother of the first son. Then came the big things. The things that were going to get some people killed and as the sweat rolled down the back his neck the lawyer said:
"And to my son Cal I leave the deed to...
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Moving spider eggs
I had never seen one as big as that before. And that was
saying something because I had been shipping ‘unusual’ things for about ten
years now. I looked up at the client who was smiling at the giant ice spider
egg the way a new mother looks at her baby. I was tempted to take off my
bandana, that protected my third eye, and read his mind but decided against it. Anyone who looks at giant ice
spiders, or at least their eggs, like that was head I had no business in.
“When can you guarantee delivery?” Mr. ‘Smith’ asked.
“Well I think that I can get to the over side of Neptune by tomorrow about nine in the morning.” I replied.
Mr. ‘Smith’ nodded, still smiling at the egg, as he signed
my paperwork. He did not even notice the 25% mark-up I had added because it was
a GIANT ICE SPIDER EGG. Even if I had pointed it out he would not have cared.
After all no other shipper would touch it not just because it was a giant
spider egg but mostly because you cannot just buy one from the net. But that
was why he came to me and that was why I was in business. Import export
business was a lucrative trade; if you stomach and/or live through your first
job. Not the strangest thing that I have moved but definitely one of creepiest.
I knew that I was going to be having dreams about this one for a while.“When can you guarantee delivery?” Mr. ‘Smith’ asked.
“Well I think that I can get to the over side of Neptune by tomorrow about nine in the morning.” I replied.
I put the egg in cold storage and locked the door. No way that thing was going to hatch while I was delivering it. The run was good. I got the thing out of my ship, signed for, and I was taking off when the first hairline cracks started showing on it. I was glad that I got paid up front. Ah the beauty of the modern age, credit sticks run through within twelve hours, and I had cleaned that 'Smith' out.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
The Big city is different from Home
I wasn’t naïve, there was no way she was a superhero. But
she did wear her knickers on top of her tights. And I like that in a person.
But then again it was my first day in the ‘big’ city. San Francisco was the big
city to me. The second clue that she could be a superhero was the fact that she
was flying. With big colorful wings. She was diving straight down at some poor
guy who, as I watched him, was hiding behind a normal looking woman. The guy
was in purple and black with a half-face mask. And he was laughing in what I
think was a maniacal fashion. I could practically see the explanation marks at
the end of the laugh. He had at least five. The flying woman stopped just above
him and glared down. At least I think it was a glare because her face was
covered in a full mask.
“Well Bird? What now?” Purple mask demanded up at her.
“Now you are going to unhand that woman and come with me.” She replied.
“And why would I do that?”
“Because if you don’t then I will pull you both up with me and you will drop like a stone.”
“Idle threats mean nothing to me.” He sneered.
“They are only idle if I won’t do them.”
“Well Bird? What now?” Purple mask demanded up at her.
“Now you are going to unhand that woman and come with me.” She replied.
“And why would I do that?”
“Because if you don’t then I will pull you both up with me and you will drop like a stone.”
“Idle threats mean nothing to me.” He sneered.
“They are only idle if I won’t do them.”
At this she dropped the last ten feet and stood in front of Purple
Mask. He snarled at her. Really, honest-to-God snarled. The normal woman
screamed something like ‘Help me’ but I’m not too sure. Someone snickering near
my ear made me turn. Another guy in a mask but this time he was not dressed in
purple and black. He was in gray with a full grey mask and he was leaning
against the building behind me. The winged woman whipped her head around to
look at me. Or rather just passed me at the other guy. He was clearly a guy and
a guy the winged one was not happy with. She lifted her hand starting to flip
him off but stopped herself. She put her back to him and went back to Purple Mask.
“Oh Birdy don’t be that way.” Grey said from behind me.
“Oh Birdy don’t be that way.” Grey said from behind me.
‘Birdy’ was fighting with Purple Mask and the woman got
free. I don’t know how it ended but man that woman sure at some wings on her.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Standalones and flash fiction
Today I am going to be doing more than just one thing. I am
going to give what I think about standalone novels and then I am going to be
give some flash fiction. I have not been writing anything but stuff for my
graduate classes, this blog, and my book review blog. I know that looks like a
lot but I am annoyed with myself about not writing anything else for so long.
So I am going to be taking a prompt from ‘from
my write side’
and writing a quick flash fiction piece about it.
Standalone novels are the pillars of literary novels. All
great novels from the previous centuries are standalones. I think that
standalones are both harder and easier to write. For the easier; there are no
plot threads that the writer has to worry about, no long narratives, no worry
about the forgotten love interest. Just one story and just one book (after
editing and rewrites I get that.). Downside about standalones; the writer may not
have the time or the space to tell the full story, there may be forgotten plot
points or characters that were important just dropped from the narrative
leaving the reader confused. I know that there is more to say about both series
and standalones but for now I think that I am finished with both. If you think
of anything else that you believe that I should talk about please just leave me
a comment and I will address them.
My prompt is One
of the biggest complaints of motherhood is the lack of training.
One of the biggest complaints of motherhood is the lack of
training Ona thought as she watched her eldest son walk away with the dust from the coming wind storm following in his wake. The red light from the thick atmosphere of Jupiter tinted his black hair red and the anger in his stride made it a darker red. She was the
favorite concubine of the headman but her son, his son too, was not good enough
to be the next leader of their people. Ona cursed under her breath about the
ancient laws that stopped her son’s ambition. He was going away now. He was
going to Titan, one of Saturn’s moons, to be a success there. His father was
yelling at his back but her son did not turn, did not response to him at all.
Her son, her Cal, was going to where she would never see him again. In vain did
Ona beg his father for mercy or understanding or anything that would stop Cal
from leaving. His father would not listen to her or to anyone but the old laws.
The space shuttle that would carry Cal to his new life was lifting off and in a
shower of dust and flame he was gone. Ona turned her back to the landing site
and walked behind Cal’s father back to his home. In her heart of hearts Ona
knew that she would never forgive him for taking Cal away from her or Cal for
As always thanks for reading and see you next week.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Series are what I would like to talk about today. Series,
love them or hate them, are everywhere. They have not always been. In fact
before the beginning of the 1900 century series were seen as something only
weak readers would read. Series were seen by librarians as something that
should be used get young children to read but then they must weaned off of
series so that they could read ‘real’ books. I learned this in a course about
the history of books in grad school and it floored me. Series are just
something that are so ingrained into our reading habits at this point that the
very thought that they were or are less than real books just does not compute.
Now I both love and hate series at the same time. I love a
good series with interesting characters that grow over the course of the book,
I love to see the complex threads of a plotline come together, to see the stray
threads just waiting to be picked up and explored in a later book. A series can
be one of the most wonderful things in the reading world that you can read or
write. A series gives both the writer and the reader a stable world to work and
read from. It helps the writer because they do not have to be building new
worlds with every book but can learn all about the world, they can know what
color the shadows are. There is just something comforting about a known world.
But series can be boring. Because the writer does not have
to be doing something all the time, some writers cannot do it. A standalone
novel can be a wonderful experience. It can take you to new different places,
can make us examine ideas that we have never encountered before, to go to
strange new worlds, and seek out the human in them. New worlds are where we
learn the most about ourselves and all literature in the end is about what it
means to be human. What is human is the eternal question and literature is just
one of the ways that we try to answer it.
So go write a series and a standalone novel. Go see where
you best answer the eternal question of being human. You should be writing.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Be brave!
One of things that I have been complaining about for months
now is graduate school. But it has given some things. It will (hopefully) get
me a degree then a job in a library somewhere, it has given me a lot of self-knowledge,
and it has given me some good friends; who I really need to call and get lunch
with sometime. Other thing that it has given me it exposure to many different
writing styles in the forms of all the papers and articles that I have read in
the past two years. In doing that I have learned something very important; that
is I am so tired of reading things written by smart people who are trying to
prove to me that they are smart.
Allow me to explain that. In the world of academia there is
this need to make sure that everyone knows that you are smart enough to be
writing for the academic journals or a textbook. I would love to tell them is-
If you are writing for an academic journal then I believe that you are smart. I
do not think that you have your degrees by accident; I believe that you are
someone important enough to be listened to. I know that this something that is
not just in academic writing. I have read books that just scream ‘I am a good
book! Look at me! Read me!’ If you can get your book published then I believe
that you are a good writer and that you can write a good book. You do not have
to prove to me that you are, I am willing to go on faith with you about it. I
understand wanting to make your sale or your brand or whatever you are working
so hard to get to. I know that you are working very hard to get there and if I
believe that if you work hard, put your all into something, you will get everything
back. You will get the book deal, you will get the readers, and you will be successful.
But do not spend that time yelling through your writing about it. Just trust in
yourself and in your work.
Self-knowledge is the best way to do this. Know where your
strengths are and do not be afraid to see your weaknesses. The only time that
weakness can hurt you is if you ignore it. There are so many people out there
who can and will help you. Know where you can go for help, be that emotional
help when you are hitting your head on the wall or someone who will read your work
with honesty. Be brave and write on, readers!
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Camp NaNoWriMo
So everyone is getting geared up for Camp NaNoWriMo but I am not doing it this year. I tried twice last year but with grad school, lupus, and general life it did not happen. This week has been rough for me because I have so much to work on and I just have no desire to write. I think that because I am writing one to two papers a week for grad school I just do not have anything left. I was going to write a post about defending fanfiction but I am sure that it needs. My post would have say "Fanfiction is good for writers because it gives us a safe place to play. It is not serious but can be taken seriously." I would have fluffed it up with more words but that is it. Fanfiction is good for young writers to work with because it gives them a voice without the seriousness and emotional involvement of their personal works.
Back to Camp NaNo I do recommend doing NaNoWriMo once in your writerly career because it shows you just what you can do if your back is to the wall. I know that some people do not like to have that kind pressure on them but without a deadline I would never get anything done. And NaNo has a very tight deadline. When I have done NaNo I have written like the wind and I loved it. I have done NaNo from a plotless point to having a plotted out course with an outline and guidelines for where I wanted to be by certain days. I know that there are people out there who has that anything written in such a haphazard way cannot be good. Not the first draft, but anyone who wants their first draft to the prefect is going to be disappointed, but if you edit it and work with it the first draft will turn into something special and important. So if you have the time and the guts to do Camp NaNo do it. Talk your friends into, I did. And I promise you will have more fun than you knew possible on a deadline.
Back to Camp NaNo I do recommend doing NaNoWriMo once in your writerly career because it shows you just what you can do if your back is to the wall. I know that some people do not like to have that kind pressure on them but without a deadline I would never get anything done. And NaNo has a very tight deadline. When I have done NaNo I have written like the wind and I loved it. I have done NaNo from a plotless point to having a plotted out course with an outline and guidelines for where I wanted to be by certain days. I know that there are people out there who has that anything written in such a haphazard way cannot be good. Not the first draft, but anyone who wants their first draft to the prefect is going to be disappointed, but if you edit it and work with it the first draft will turn into something special and important. So if you have the time and the guts to do Camp NaNo do it. Talk your friends into, I did. And I promise you will have more fun than you knew possible on a deadline.
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Reading and Writing Concluded
Just a short post today more about reading and writing. Last
week I mostly talked about reading and finding things that you like in the
writing, then learning how to intergrade them into your own style. This week I
want to talk about when you find bad writing. Now I am not really very critical
of nine out of ten writers. I know how hard it to write the first draft, then
you have get the courage up to show it to another human being, then you have to
find the energy and drive to edit the piece into the ground. I understand all
that. It is not easy but there some things that just kill the writing or the
story for me. Now luckily, I think, that all these problems are easy to work
around. I have two major problems that will kill a story and sometimes even a
writer for me.
The first problem and the least is the prose. By that I mean
the prose is just not readable, something went wrong with the writing process
and now it is just bad. But take heart there is an easy way to fix this. Read
it out loud. I am not kidding. Read the book or passage or dialogue out loud. If
it does not sound right then it will not read right. I use this when I remember to
and there is a difference in both the quality of my work, my happiness with the work, and even in my grades.
I love audiobooks; so I have a habit of reading out loud to myself. I do this
when I am having a hard time with the Lupus or if I am just not understanding
what is being written. I know that makes it take longer to get through the piece
but it is worth it in the end because you will have a better written piece.
The other major problem is much more serious. That is when
the author does not do their research. When you are writing in your own world you
make the rules but some things are the same. Like if you are writing something
that is supposed to be real world then the sun needs to rise in the east. The
biggest example I can think of is a YA novel that I read last year and the
writer did not do research on how a rape survivor acts. The heroine, who has been
trained at this point to be an assassin, wakes up in her bed knowing that
someone else is in the room. The person touches her foot and all she can think
is about is how warm his hand is. To this day that offends me. The heroine was
brutalized, beaten, and strongly hinted that she was raped at least once in her
life. No rape survivor is going to act like that. She is going to lose it and I
know this because I have taken friends to my local rape clinic, I have held their
hands as they told their story over and over. I am not saying that they live in
fear every moment of their lives because that is not true either but if any of
them woke up to some guy in their room they are not going to think about how
warm his hand is. If you want to know what book I am talking about I will
answer in private message but not in a public way. Well this one ended up
longer than I thought it would. Thanks for reading and see you next week.
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Writing and Reading
But what does reading do for writers? I cannot speak for
others but for me it shows me what I like and what I do not like. When other
writers use a certain turn of phrase that I just love I want to think of how to
use it myself. Seeing both what other writers are writing about and how they
are writing gives us learning writers’ guidance. When more experienced writers
do something well, I want to copy it. That is not a bad thing. In fact it a
good thing for younger writers to try and copy those we admire. It will teach
us how to find our own voice. Every artist has a voice and the only way to find
yours is to try on others first. Like when you were a child and you played
dress up. You were trying on different voices to see if that one was closer to
your voice. That said I do not endorse stealing from other artists. That is not
the way to find your voice.
How can you try on different voices without stealing? One
easy and safe way to do that is writing exercises. Take the characters or the
setting or whatever really gets you and try writing it out. See where it takes
you. Another thing that I have done is when something that I do not like in a
book I have written out what I would have done. That has helped me get peace with
the story or helped me get over the story. Do not feel bad about rewriting some
other authors work, just do not steal it, of course. Be inspired by the works
around you. Shakespeare borrowed, changed, and outright stole every one of his
plays. They all are from older famous works so if another author has just the
prefect sub plotline you need to jump start your own work, do not be afraid to
use some or parts of it. Just do not steal from them. When in doubt contact the
author and ask. Remember do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Until next week; write and be blessed.
Image from Google Images.
Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Everyone has something important
Well I was and still am not sure what I want to write about
this week but I do something fun/interesting to tell you. If you Google writing
blog ideas I am the fifth thing that will pop up at least for me and that I
think is really cool but I do not think that it will work for others (sad face).
I do not know if that is because of some setting that I have on my Google
account or if I am really the fifth thing out there. I really hope that I am
the fifth thing because that would be so cool. If that is really the case I
want to write about why I think that is. I think that maybe everyone thinks
that they know how to write. I am not talking about grammar or anything like
that but they just do not need to talk about how to write. Or maybe others
believe that they do not know enough about the art of writing to have an
opinion or something like that.
That is not true. If you have written anything from a letter
(or e-mail as the world is now) to a paper for class you have some knowledge
about how to write and be successful. Now someone like John Scalzi who has a
great blog about writing and more, I would trust more than someone with no
writing credits under their belt. But that does not mean they do not have
something of value to share. There is something that we all learn when we do
the writing process that another may not know or may need help learning. So do
not ever feel that just because you have not published half a dozen books does
not mean that you do not have some wisdom to share about the process or just
about the discipline needed to finish a piece.
Short post today but I think that it is something important
that we as writers need to remember. That is that everyone has a different view
of the process, a different understanding of it , and they have something
important to give others about it. Until next week be blessed dear readers.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
New writing schedule
So this week I have decided to try and use my free time for
writing time. So far I have not had good results. Maybe it is this week because
I have had personal life; like my cat going to the vet and my sister maybe here
about a month early and my mother needs help getting ready for her and the
children. But this week’s lack of word count is disheartening. In addition to
my normal work for grad school and I have to do well to make certain powerful people
happy. So I have written some on a short story that I plotted out with
character bios and everything about two years ago. I was writing it when I
realized that I needed to have a prologue to explain some background
information that is important to the story but never talked about in the story
itself. So I went back to the beginning and started writing a prologue. That is
all I have done on it. It is less than 500 words and I want the story to be
about 5000.
Well I am going to continue to try with this new writing
schedule. Maybe this is just a bad week or maybe it just feels bad because I am
trying something new. About the writing itself I have high hopes for my piece.
I am writing a science fiction story and when I get it done (God I hope) then I
get to give it to my beta readers. I am very lucky in my readers because I have
someone who knows me so well that when I make a mistake, like switching words I
do that a lot, he knows exactly what I am trying to saying. By switching words
I mean this- “She walked towards the car. The rain was just a plain rain but
the car made it shiny.” My brain moves faster than my hands and it shows. Then
I have a grammar friend who loves me but hates my grammar. It is cool he is
very helpful and nice about it. Then I have a creative writing friend and a
last someone who could be a professional reader.
How I handle all this outside help? Well I do it in stages.
I do not send my work out to a new beta until I have read and worked with all
notes from the previous beta. I talk with my betas about their notes and why
they felt that way about it. I listen to them when they are talking about their
notes and I do not interrupt them while they are doing it. My betas are giving
me something wonderful and I do my best to respect them when they are helping
me become a better writer. Well hopefully I will have a better word count for
you next week. Thanks for reading and see you next time.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Character description
Today I want to talk about something that caused more than a
few arguments in creative writing classes that is describing characters. First
my opinion: I do not care how someone describes their characters. I do think
that there better ways of doing it but in the end I do not care. That was and
is my opinion on the matter but even I was pulled (very willingly) into the big
discussion and argument about the ‘right’ way to do this. There is no right way
but there are better ways.
The biggest way that characters are described is the Mirror
method. That is when you have a character look into a mirror and tell you what
they are seeing. For example:
Rachel looked at
herself to fix her hair. Long blonde hair that wanted to curl but then decided
that was too much work so it just flowed into waves down her back. Her light
blue eyes were round as she took in her skin. Normally flawless but the last
week of stress had taken its bill to her skin. She was breaking out all on her
chin. She closed her eyes and bowed her head so she was looking at her short
legs when she opened them.
That is the mirror method. It has its place in writing and
it is not a bad way to describe but there better ways. I do not know the name
for how the best way I learned in college. But it is more showing the reader
than telling them what they see. I will try do it.
Rachel ran her hands
through her hair trying to untangle the long blonde locks. As she moved into
the bathroom worried about how her skin would look. The past week of stressing
would, no doubt, taken a toll on it. Rachel ran her right hand over her face
feeling the bumps on her chin. Rolling her blue eyes she turned to face the
I do not know if that is a really big difference to you but
it is to me. In the first I feel like I am telling you what to see and in the
second I feel that I am showing you how Rachel looks. But if I am not then
please tell me, I am still learning about this writing thing, I think that is
something that everyone is still learning. Description is very important and
you can do the first method, I do, but I do not use method one for characters
only for places. Places can just be told but do not use it too much. It can be
a quick and useful way to jump start a story but it can also make you a cheap
writer. By that I mean if you only use method one then you are cheating your
reader and yourself out of what you can do as a writer. The best way to not do
that is to have other people read your work. Have someone who likes you but is
not going to worry about your feelings. You are not your work. The work is
something that you have created but you are not it. But I think that I will
talk about that next week. Until gentle reader, Je ne.
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
Story Ideas
Today’s post I want to talk about ideas for stories. That is
something that very artist, be they writer, Art artist, or musician, is where
do we get our ideas from? I have heard everything from my ‘I don’t have story
ideas I just know what to write’ to ‘Everything is a story waiting to happen’.
Well I envy those guys because that is not the way that it works for me. I
cannot speak for others so this is will about where I get my ideas for plots,
characters, and settings from. I get most of my ideas for stories is from
dreams and the shower.
My shower is the most inspiring place in the whole world.
This week I had a great idea for a dark urban fantasy that I do not want to
give too much information about because I am still working on the details. I do
not know what it is about my bathroom but I have the most spiritual, creative experiences
in there. I know that it really weird and I have probably just lost half of my
readers but it is true. If I am having trouble with a paper or a story I just
go take a shower and bam! I will have the answer. Now the answer maybe
rewriting the whole the thing but I am, normally, so glad just to have an
answer that I do not care about the extra work. The solution will also help me
not feel the time that I have spent in the writing. So next time you are stuck
take a shower. There is just something magical about it.
The next biggest place I get ideas from are my dreams. I
have a very active dream life. I think that it is because I do not have the
most exciting life. I go to class, apply for jobs, watch TV and movies, I read
a lot and once year I go to Dragon*Con (most magical time of the year!). But
that is about it. I never really was very exciting and with the onset of Lupus
I have become even less so. So my brain is making up for my less than exciting
personal life by having a very intense and exciting dream life. I have dreamed
most of the stories that I have (or rather had been working on see post on
Dreams and Goals about that) been writing for years now. I do not have exiting
dreams that I remember often. I always hope when I am going to sleep that I
will have an awesome dream and remember it. My dream life does make up for my
boring real life because in the dream I do not have Lupus. I do not have to
think about my meds or getting too hot or anything other than whatever excitement
is happening around me. I forget myself in my dreams. Maybe that is sad but it
is true.
So the next time you are wondering where you are going to
get your next story from take a shower or a nap. I know that one or both will
work for you. Until next time readers, be well.
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
The Thesaurus
So how does this wonderful technology help the writer? Well
I have already shown you one way; in that when you cannot remember how to spell
a word you can just look it up. Google has smart text. As you are typing Google
will try and guess what you are trying to say. Now I have defeated Google with
words I am looking for. And I say this all modesty I have made Google have self-doubt.
I now that some people will make fun of me but I do use Google to spell check.
I know that Google is not all knowing but it is a very useful tool and I am not
one to not a tool just because.
Another wonderful tool is a dictionary of synonyms and antonyms.
I have two copies in my house. One that travels with me to class and out and
about; the other one stays in my library in the house. I use that when I cannot
remember what word I want when all I can remember is what the word means. So
when I have my brain freeze I can remember what is does not mean. It is also
useful because they do tell you more words that mean the same thing. I use it
in that way when I am checking what a word means. Knowing the definition of a
word does not mean that it the right word for the sentence. So when I have
doubts about that I look up the word in my little dictionary or use Google and
just read what the synonyms for it are. I have changed paragraphs because of
this tool. Here are links to the websites that I use and have named in this
post-,, Please tell me what you use
when you are stuck on a word or if that is something special about me. Until
next week then, je ne!
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Personal Inspiration Part Three
For the last two weeks I have talked about how music and
video games have and do inspire me in my writing. but I have yet to talk about
my first source of inspiration: Art. Now that may seem obvious to some of you
that Art would be inspiring for written work but what do you (or me or anyone
for that matter) think is Art? Well I cannot help you with that because like
good writing is subjective. What I find beautiful and inspiring you may think
is trash and should never be seen ever again. The why of that is brain science
and again I cannot help you but Google can. So go search that out and if you
want back to me about it.
Back to the topic of Art and Inspiration; I remember the
first piece of Art that inspired me. Well sort of. I was very young but I remember
seeing a poster with the sun setting behind a mountain and top of the mountain
was a unicorn. When I was five unicorns were pretty inspiring as an adult I
find dragons much more so but I was a five-year-old girl so please do not judge
me too hard. I just heard the story in my head about the unicorn climbing the
hill for some reason or another; I do not remember why. But I do remember that
being the first time that I just had to tell me story. My older sister was the
one to hear and being almost ten years my senior was not impressed with a
five-year-old tale but I told her nonetheless.
Now for art to entertain or inspire me I go to DeviantArt
Link here-
There I have met, followed, and even talked with some wonderful artists. Go
there and just search for anything and there will be some art depicting it. I
have some groups that I go to just to look at the pretty pictures but I always
find something inspiring or something to help lift me up. Art is more than just
pictures. They are emotions, memories, lies, and truth. Art is something that
we all make every day whether we know it or not. Now just a warning about DA,
there is a lot of pictures/painting/general art at depict sex, sex acts, or
just generally sexual in nature. So if you have young eyes in the house, are
young eyes yourself, or just do not care to see that type of thing beware. DA
has those in abundance.
I think that I am done with Personal Inspiration. I have
talked about music, games, other writers, and now just straight up Art. I hope
that you have enjoyed this journey with me. On a different note I am submitting
my piece ‘The Wanderer” to a flash fiction contest so wish me luck. Until next
week dear reader, adieu.
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Personal Inspiration Part Two
I am going to continue last week topic of personal
inspiration this week. Last week I talked about how video games have inspired
my writing and gave you an example. I hope that it was enjoyed because I have
heard nothing back. So in lieu of having bad things said about it, I will think
good things about my piece. Another was of inspiring, not just me, is music.
Every artist and writer I know has some piece of music that when they listen to
it they are moved and the muse just flows. Now that changes from person to
person. For example my spouse finds old school heavy metal very inspiring,
bands like Type O Negative and Cradle of Flight. I do not find either very
inspiring except for maybe a headache but that is just me. For me there is no
one sound that just lights my muse; it depends on what I am writing. If I am
writing something very personal like my poetry then I like to listen to music
that is going to help me get my emotions. But when I am writing in my genre
Science Fiction and Fantasy then I really mix things up.
When I was writing my high fantasy (which I really need to
get back to… Bad Lynn) I like to listen to vocals from different bands. My
go-to band is always Franz Ferdinand; a great, GREAT British rock band. Also
Adele, and Duffy, and The Tings (are you seeing a common theme? If not get thee
to Google and you will). I like the vocals because the songs can help the
characters voices in my head and get into the page. Sometimes I like
instrumental but that is more for my Sci-Fi; but it mostly a scene to scene
thing. Sometimes I like to have the pulse pounding of Korn or maybe I need to
have Moonlight Sonata. Do not afraid to go where the music takes you.
For my Sci-Fi I am currently loving the Dear Esther soundtrack. It is very lovely instrumental soundtrack
for a cool little surreal game. It in and of itself is not Sci-Fi in anyway but
it works for me. I would give an example of what I write when listening to it
but the last thing I wrote listening to Dear Esther was an 18 page pathfinder
for my law libraries class and I do not think that you want that. I do not want
that and I had to write it. The music made it so much easier I can promise.
Just an FYI a pathfinder is a very detailed research assignment for library
grad students to basically prove that you can do research and you know how to
make it for other people to be able to read it. Sounds like fun, right? Not so
In the end the only person who can tell what music moves you
creatively is you. But you knew that. So do not be afraid to try new things, do
not let anyone tell you that you cannot be inspired by Korn or video games or
anything else. The world is inspiring and you just have to find the things that
most inspire you. Go forth and be creative! Until next week, thanks for reading
and be well.
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