Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Character description

Today I want to talk about something that caused more than a few arguments in creative writing classes that is describing characters. First my opinion: I do not care how someone describes their characters. I do think that there better ways of doing it but in the end I do not care. That was and is my opinion on the matter but even I was pulled (very willingly) into the big discussion and argument about the ‘right’ way to do this. There is no right way but there are better ways.

The biggest way that characters are described is the Mirror method. That is when you have a character look into a mirror and tell you what they are seeing. For example:

Rachel looked at herself to fix her hair. Long blonde hair that wanted to curl but then decided that was too much work so it just flowed into waves down her back. Her light blue eyes were round as she took in her skin. Normally flawless but the last week of stress had taken its bill to her skin. She was breaking out all on her chin. She closed her eyes and bowed her head so she was looking at her short legs when she opened them.

That is the mirror method. It has its place in writing and it is not a bad way to describe but there better ways. I do not know the name for how the best way I learned in college. But it is more showing the reader than telling them what they see. I will try do it.

Rachel ran her hands through her hair trying to untangle the long blonde locks. As she moved into the bathroom worried about how her skin would look. The past week of stressing would, no doubt, taken a toll on it. Rachel ran her right hand over her face feeling the bumps on her chin. Rolling her blue eyes she turned to face the mirror.

I do not know if that is a really big difference to you but it is to me. In the first I feel like I am telling you what to see and in the second I feel that I am showing you how Rachel looks. But if I am not then please tell me, I am still learning about this writing thing, I think that is something that everyone is still learning. Description is very important and you can do the first method, I do, but I do not use method one for characters only for places. Places can just be told but do not use it too much. It can be a quick and useful way to jump start a story but it can also make you a cheap writer. By that I mean if you only use method one then you are cheating your reader and yourself out of what you can do as a writer. The best way to not do that is to have other people read your work. Have someone who likes you but is not going to worry about your feelings. You are not your work. The work is something that you have created but you are not it. But I think that I will talk about that next week. Until gentle reader, Je ne.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Story Ideas

Today’s post I want to talk about ideas for stories. That is something that very artist, be they writer, Art artist, or musician, is where do we get our ideas from? I have heard everything from my ‘I don’t have story ideas I just know what to write’ to ‘Everything is a story waiting to happen’. Well I envy those guys because that is not the way that it works for me. I cannot speak for others so this is will about where I get my ideas for plots, characters, and settings from. I get most of my ideas for stories is from dreams and the shower.

My shower is the most inspiring place in the whole world. This week I had a great idea for a dark urban fantasy that I do not want to give too much information about because I am still working on the details. I do not know what it is about my bathroom but I have the most spiritual, creative experiences in there. I know that it really weird and I have probably just lost half of my readers but it is true. If I am having trouble with a paper or a story I just go take a shower and bam! I will have the answer. Now the answer maybe rewriting the whole the thing but I am, normally, so glad just to have an answer that I do not care about the extra work. The solution will also help me not feel the time that I have spent in the writing. So next time you are stuck take a shower. There is just something magical about it.

The next biggest place I get ideas from are my dreams. I have a very active dream life. I think that it is because I do not have the most exciting life. I go to class, apply for jobs, watch TV and movies, I read a lot and once year I go to Dragon*Con (most magical time of the year!). But that is about it. I never really was very exciting and with the onset of Lupus I have become even less so. So my brain is making up for my less than exciting personal life by having a very intense and exciting dream life. I have dreamed most of the stories that I have (or rather had been working on see post on Dreams and Goals about that) been writing for years now. I do not have exiting dreams that I remember often. I always hope when I am going to sleep that I will have an awesome dream and remember it. My dream life does make up for my boring real life because in the dream I do not have Lupus. I do not have to think about my meds or getting too hot or anything other than whatever excitement is happening around me. I forget myself in my dreams. Maybe that is sad but it is true.

So the next time you are wondering where you are going to get your next story from take a shower or a nap. I know that one or both will work for you. Until next time readers, be well.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Thesaurus

  Today I wanted to talk about one of my favorite things in the world to use when I am writing: The Thesaurus. I love my thesaurus and They have both saved my life while writing papers for classes, for blogging, for my creative writing, and for my personal writing. Now part of that is I have a learning disorder. It is just for math and spelling, when I try to remember how to do something like a math formula or spelling my brain just freezes. Now it does not matter how big the word or how complicated the formula I blank out. For the word ‘complicated’ I had to look it up. I spelled complex then looked at the synonyms to find it. Now this made my younger life so much harder than it had to be. My parents understood what was going on but my school(s) did not. They just thought that I would lazy or in the case of one teacher retarded. That teacher was the reason I was taken and tested for learning disorders and IQ. My mother, proudly, to this day says that my IQ is much higher than that of the teacher in question.

So how does this wonderful technology help the writer? Well I have already shown you one way; in that when you cannot remember how to spell a word you can just look it up. Google has smart text. As you are typing Google will try and guess what you are trying to say. Now I have defeated Google with words I am looking for. And I say this all modesty I have made Google have self-doubt. I now that some people will make fun of me but I do use Google to spell check. I know that Google is not all knowing but it is a very useful tool and I am not one to not a tool just because.
Another wonderful tool is a dictionary of synonyms and antonyms. I have two copies in my house. One that travels with me to class and out and about; the other one stays in my library in the house. I use that when I cannot remember what word I want when all I can remember is what the word means. So when I have my brain freeze I can remember what is does not mean. It is also useful because they do tell you more words that mean the same thing. I use it in that way when I am checking what a word means. Knowing the definition of a word does not mean that it the right word for the sentence. So when I have doubts about that I look up the word in my little dictionary or use Google and just read what the synonyms for it are. I have changed paragraphs because of this tool. Here are links to the websites that I use and have named in this post-,, Please tell me what you use when you are stuck on a word or if that is something special about me. Until next week then, je ne!

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Personal Inspiration Part Three

For the last two weeks I have talked about how music and video games have and do inspire me in my writing. but I have yet to talk about my first source of inspiration: Art. Now that may seem obvious to some of you that Art would be inspiring for written work but what do you (or me or anyone for that matter) think is Art? Well I cannot help you with that because like good writing is subjective. What I find beautiful and inspiring you may think is trash and should never be seen ever again. The why of that is brain science and again I cannot help you but Google can. So go search that out and if you want back to me about it.

Back to the topic of Art and Inspiration; I remember the first piece of Art that inspired me. Well sort of. I was very young but I remember seeing a poster with the sun setting behind a mountain and top of the mountain was a unicorn. When I was five unicorns were pretty inspiring as an adult I find dragons much more so but I was a five-year-old girl so please do not judge me too hard. I just heard the story in my head about the unicorn climbing the hill for some reason or another; I do not remember why. But I do remember that being the first time that I just had to tell me story. My older sister was the one to hear and being almost ten years my senior was not impressed with a five-year-old tale but I told her nonetheless.

Now for art to entertain or inspire me I go to DeviantArt Link here- There I have met, followed, and even talked with some wonderful artists. Go there and just search for anything and there will be some art depicting it. I have some groups that I go to just to look at the pretty pictures but I always find something inspiring or something to help lift me up. Art is more than just pictures. They are emotions, memories, lies, and truth. Art is something that we all make every day whether we know it or not. Now just a warning about DA, there is a lot of pictures/painting/general art at depict sex, sex acts, or just generally sexual in nature. So if you have young eyes in the house, are young eyes yourself, or just do not care to see that type of thing beware. DA has those in abundance.

I think that I am done with Personal Inspiration. I have talked about music, games, other writers, and now just straight up Art. I hope that you have enjoyed this journey with me. On a different note I am submitting my piece ‘The Wanderer” to a flash fiction contest so wish me luck. Until next week dear reader, adieu.

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Personal Inspiration Part Two

I am going to continue last week topic of personal inspiration this week. Last week I talked about how video games have inspired my writing and gave you an example. I hope that it was enjoyed because I have heard nothing back. So in lieu of having bad things said about it, I will think good things about my piece. Another was of inspiring, not just me, is music. Every artist and writer I know has some piece of music that when they listen to it they are moved and the muse just flows. Now that changes from person to person. For example my spouse finds old school heavy metal very inspiring, bands like Type O Negative and Cradle of Flight. I do not find either very inspiring except for maybe a headache but that is just me. For me there is no one sound that just lights my muse; it depends on what I am writing. If I am writing something very personal like my poetry then I like to listen to music that is going to help me get my emotions. But when I am writing in my genre Science Fiction and Fantasy then I really mix things up.

When I was writing my high fantasy (which I really need to get back to… Bad Lynn) I like to listen to vocals from different bands. My go-to band is always Franz Ferdinand; a great, GREAT British rock band. Also Adele, and Duffy, and The Tings (are you seeing a common theme? If not get thee to Google and you will). I like the vocals because the songs can help the characters voices in my head and get into the page. Sometimes I like instrumental but that is more for my Sci-Fi; but it mostly a scene to scene thing. Sometimes I like to have the pulse pounding of Korn or maybe I need to have Moonlight Sonata. Do not afraid to go where the music takes you.

For my Sci-Fi I am currently loving the Dear Esther soundtrack. It is very lovely instrumental soundtrack for a cool little surreal game. It in and of itself is not Sci-Fi in anyway but it works for me. I would give an example of what I write when listening to it but the last thing I wrote listening to Dear Esther was an 18 page pathfinder for my law libraries class and I do not think that you want that. I do not want that and I had to write it. The music made it so much easier I can promise. Just an FYI a pathfinder is a very detailed research assignment for library grad students to basically prove that you can do research and you know how to make it for other people to be able to read it. Sounds like fun, right? Not so much.

In the end the only person who can tell what music moves you creatively is you. But you knew that. So do not be afraid to try new things, do not let anyone tell you that you cannot be inspired by Korn or video games or anything else. The world is inspiring and you just have to find the things that most inspire you. Go forth and be creative! Until next week, thanks for reading and be well.