Today I am going to be doing more than just one thing. I am
going to give what I think about standalone novels and then I am going to be
give some flash fiction. I have not been writing anything but stuff for my
graduate classes, this blog, and my book review blog. I know that looks like a
lot but I am annoyed with myself about not writing anything else for so long.
So I am going to be taking a prompt from ‘from
my write side’
and writing a quick flash fiction piece about it.
Standalone novels are the pillars of literary novels. All
great novels from the previous centuries are standalones. I think that
standalones are both harder and easier to write. For the easier; there are no
plot threads that the writer has to worry about, no long narratives, no worry
about the forgotten love interest. Just one story and just one book (after
editing and rewrites I get that.). Downside about standalones; the writer may not
have the time or the space to tell the full story, there may be forgotten plot
points or characters that were important just dropped from the narrative
leaving the reader confused. I know that there is more to say about both series
and standalones but for now I think that I am finished with both. If you think
of anything else that you believe that I should talk about please just leave me
a comment and I will address them.
My prompt is One
of the biggest complaints of motherhood is the lack of training.
One of the biggest complaints of motherhood is the lack of
training Ona thought as she watched her eldest son walk away with the dust from the coming wind storm following in his wake. The red light from the thick atmosphere of Jupiter tinted his black hair red and the anger in his stride made it a darker red. She was the
favorite concubine of the headman but her son, his son too, was not good enough
to be the next leader of their people. Ona cursed under her breath about the
ancient laws that stopped her son’s ambition. He was going away now. He was
going to Titan, one of Saturn’s moons, to be a success there. His father was
yelling at his back but her son did not turn, did not response to him at all.
Her son, her Cal, was going to where she would never see him again. In vain did
Ona beg his father for mercy or understanding or anything that would stop Cal
from leaving. His father would not listen to her or to anyone but the old laws.
The space shuttle that would carry Cal to his new life was lifting off and in a
shower of dust and flame he was gone. Ona turned her back to the landing site
and walked behind Cal’s father back to his home. In her heart of hearts Ona
knew that she would never forgive him for taking Cal away from her or Cal for
As always thanks for reading and see you next week.