Tuesday, November 4, 2014

NaNoWriMo this year

NaNoWriMo is this year is going to be interesting. I am hoping to get my first draft of a sword-and-sorcery series done. NaNo is normally just 50,000 words to win but I am going to be aiming for 100,000. So I will have to type twice is much for my personal win. The reason for that is I think that it is going to take about 100,000 words to tell the story. I am at a good start because I have done character worksheets for my two main character's but I need to finish the sheets for the villain and one of the main side character's who may turn into a main character. He's a fishy one. If I can get this written it is going to be the first in a five book story about on event. The event is big in the world and I have five different sets of character's that are trying to deal with it. I like them all but I think that I can get Maddox and Rilia's story out a little better. I have played with these character's myself and with my spouse. He is good with helping me when I get stuck on part of characterization and understands my personal language of screams, grunts, and other really non-verbal skills. I'm really good at the non-verbal stuff.
Edit: I meant to post this last week but it didn't happen. I am 16,011 words into my novel. I have so far done my daily word count of 4,000 per day and I'm hoping that I can make it!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

So yeah....

So after a year of fighting with myself about this I have decided that I am going to try and be a professional writer. The reasons that I have fought with myself about this is because I like the sure thing. That is why I have a master's degree in Library and Information Sciences because that is supposed to be a sure thing. It has not turned out that way at all. I am employed in my field and I love where I work but I have not gotten anywhere with getting full time employment in my field. I have put out over 170 applications in the past year. I have not stopped applying for jobs. I have just stopped counting. So because I have the time to write I have decided to try it for real. I am story boarding a new sword and sorcery fantasy for NaNoWriMo this year. I really want something that I know will pay back my student loans but I just do not see that happening to me. So I will follow what I think is the call of the universe and pursue writing. Prayer for me or wish me good luck or whatever because I'm going to need it. Badly