Monday, June 11, 2012

Hanging on by a fingernail

So this week has been rough writing wise. I have a job again which is great but it is only going to last for the summer. I have a fairly demanding class for June. Last friday I had two major assignments due. They were done before midnight but it was still something else to take me away from writing. I have another one due this friday and then the last one next friday. I have always liked summer classes in college because they are so quick. But my Camp NaNo book is just sitting there. I have not written anything for it in about a week. I have written on the novel but not as much as I would like to have done. I'm hoping to get back on it but I just don't know if that is going to happen with working 20 hours a week, full time grad school and writing on another novel. Now I can hear some people thinking 'Why don't you just use the novel you're writing as your NaNo thing?'. The answer is I can't because I'm almost 80,000 words in. That would be cheating and cheating is wrong. At least that is what I'm telling myself. Also happy and interesting news I'm being considered to be a new book review for an awesome book website called they are awesome. They are the ones who give me the idea about starting my own book blog all those months ago. I need to make sometime to do what the nice lady asked me to do so that I can be really considered not just sort-of, kind-of. Well that's it for this week. Thanks for reading and see you next week!

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