Monday, August 6, 2012

Funny creative writing stories

So for the past few weeks I have trying something different with my writing blog. I am still writing in real life(whatever that is), I am doing Camp NaNoWriMo but being me  I do crazy things. Like I am trying to write a 100,000 word novel in thirty days. I going Meh so far but it is still early days yet. On to the funny stories. By the way these are all college stories.

To start with this are stories that I think are funny so keep that in mind. In my first creative writing class my teacher explained how this was going to work. We would have one short story due each week from varying from shorts to a 15 pages final story. We could write poetry, fiction, or creative non-fiction. One day a week we would all read one to two of our classmates stories. She looked at all of, only about eight of us, and told us this- 'When you are having your story read, you cannot speak until we are done talking about. Everyone take out a pen. Put it in your mouth. That is what I will be looking for when we are reading your story. It will remind you that you cannot speak until we are done.' On imagine eight undergrads with pens in their mouths just looking at one another. And every time we had a class reading people had pens in their mouths. We had people looking in at us like we were crazy but no one spoke until the class was done talking about the story. It was a great first class.

In my main poetry class one thing that our teacher has us do was submit to a contest that was on Justin Bieber. I do not have any younger relations who are old enough to be interested in the Bieber so I had to do a google search on her... I mean him. This is my poem that I wrote.

Ode to hair most prefect

 Oh singer divine with hair that never moves

To Thee oh greatest of great, oh singer of high pitches

Thy hair is most prefects, thy hair that never needs to be brushed

Thy voice will lift up our lowly spirits up to thine high seat

Seat above the needs of hair brush or voice lessons perfection just as thine are

Rejoice in thy hearts, rejoice in thy throats for the hair eternal has come unto us!

That was the favorite poem I wrote in that class, well at least my classmates loved it. I own it so Mine!

The last story is from my last class as an undergrad. It was an awesome class be the way. It was a flash fiction class that really helped me get into writing what is now my novel. The teacher was explained about how to act to each other when we were reading and talking about the works. He said that we should never, ever do what happened in one of his writing classes. The class was a normal writing, so there were egos and big dreams and all that drama, but they were doing their first in class reading. When one of his classmates stood up and said 'This is what I think about your work' and pissed on it the paper in front of the class. Our teacher just stared and that is what we did, just stared at our teacher. Of course we all started talking at once. 'Did that really happen?' 'What was done?' on and on. It really happened but thankfully not to me. I am sure how I would handle that.

So those are some my stories about creative writing classes. I do not know what I will write about next week. So see you then1

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