Monday, August 13, 2012

Writing for this month

So I'm doing Camp NaNoWriMo for August and I have to say that I am doing better this time than in June. That probably has to do with my current joblessness and classlessness. I literally have nothing to do but read and write. Which would be awesome if I didn't have things like bills. Money is so over-rated. I have almost 20,000 words written and I am aiming for 100,000. This will be the first book in a trilogy. After I finish book one I am going to start book two. Now book two has advantages because it was the one I was writing before I realized that my one little fantasy book is really three little fantasy books.

I know that many writers would love to have the problem of writing three books and I am doing it. It is just that I was not expecting it. All my planning, because I did about year of planning, before I started my little story. I wrote a chapbook, I had people read what I wrote and give me their honest opinion, by that I mean I had my classmates in writing courses read and talk about it, I talked about to God. I am not kidding, I would stand in the shower and be like 'God this is crazy right? I mean writers don't make a living writing' and on and on like that. God is very patient and totally a saint. So I finally sat down and started writing. 64,000 words in I realized that my characters were leading me on. They wanted more than one little shot at the page. They wanted more like three. Then the world where they live was like 'Hey you! Yeah you, writer person! You can write like two more stories in here!'

After I finish the first trilogy then I am going to write a hard sci-fi story. I really want to write that one because the characters are like  bursting out at me. My fantasy characters are happy at the moment and are more like 'Take your time dude but DO NOT PUT US TO THE SIDE!'. Yes they yell at me. At least they're nice when I'm writing them. They mostly go where I think but sometimes they do pull a fast one on me and they wake up hanging upside down from the inn with no money and no idea how they got there. Have to keep them in line somehow. Also after I finish the trilogy I am going to be getting it edited first my partner, who can understand what I am trying to say when I am too sleepy to move my mouth (He's amazing), and then a friend who is an editor after that I if I have A. a job so that B. I have money, I am going to be sending it to a professional line editor. Well that is it for this week. See you next and thanks for reading!

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