Thursday, January 10, 2013

Personal Inspiration Part Three

For the last two weeks I have talked about how music and video games have and do inspire me in my writing. but I have yet to talk about my first source of inspiration: Art. Now that may seem obvious to some of you that Art would be inspiring for written work but what do you (or me or anyone for that matter) think is Art? Well I cannot help you with that because like good writing is subjective. What I find beautiful and inspiring you may think is trash and should never be seen ever again. The why of that is brain science and again I cannot help you but Google can. So go search that out and if you want back to me about it.

Back to the topic of Art and Inspiration; I remember the first piece of Art that inspired me. Well sort of. I was very young but I remember seeing a poster with the sun setting behind a mountain and top of the mountain was a unicorn. When I was five unicorns were pretty inspiring as an adult I find dragons much more so but I was a five-year-old girl so please do not judge me too hard. I just heard the story in my head about the unicorn climbing the hill for some reason or another; I do not remember why. But I do remember that being the first time that I just had to tell me story. My older sister was the one to hear and being almost ten years my senior was not impressed with a five-year-old tale but I told her nonetheless.

Now for art to entertain or inspire me I go to DeviantArt Link here- There I have met, followed, and even talked with some wonderful artists. Go there and just search for anything and there will be some art depicting it. I have some groups that I go to just to look at the pretty pictures but I always find something inspiring or something to help lift me up. Art is more than just pictures. They are emotions, memories, lies, and truth. Art is something that we all make every day whether we know it or not. Now just a warning about DA, there is a lot of pictures/painting/general art at depict sex, sex acts, or just generally sexual in nature. So if you have young eyes in the house, are young eyes yourself, or just do not care to see that type of thing beware. DA has those in abundance.

I think that I am done with Personal Inspiration. I have talked about music, games, other writers, and now just straight up Art. I hope that you have enjoyed this journey with me. On a different note I am submitting my piece ‘The Wanderer” to a flash fiction contest so wish me luck. Until next week dear reader, adieu.

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